
Regulation: Moneta Digital LLC is Federally regulated by Financial Crimes Enforcement Network as a Money Service Business.

FinCEN MSB Registration number 31000261878252.

USDM is available from only in the states, territories, and jurisdictions where it is legally authorized to operate.

Currently, Moneta Digital LLC is actively seeking necessary licenses in the US states / territories, and non-US jurisdictions where required.

Moneta Digital LLC has received specific guidance from relevant regulators in California, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Utah that our specific process for issuing and redeeming the USDM is not considered Money Transmission under their state laws.

Moneta Digital LLC has also determined that issuing and redeeming the USDM token is not a regulated activity in the states of Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Tennessee, following a thorough review of laws and previously released regulatory guidance.

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